Wednesday, August 27, 2008

You Want The Quick Fun Get In And Get Out Type Of Speech

Category: Finance.

So you have been asked by your best buddy or perhaps your close girlfriend to give a wedding speech.

Public speaking ranks right up there with many top fears. This can be kind of scary for most people. Most people dread having to get up in front of a big crowd and give a speech. It is really a great thought because it would be an easy way out. This has lead to tons of people scouring the Internet for nice free pre- made speeches. You just type in something like free wedding speeches and viola you have your work done.

Well, you can do this but you will most likely end up looking like a big jerk. Now just print it and go back to watching television. Using a free wedding speech is like saying I did not care enough about you to even think up anything myself. The best part is your speech will be original and not sound like someone else. However, by following the advice in this article you can easily create a wedding speech with very little effort. Go Short. However that is the truth and therefore a long wedding speech is just going to end up boring everyone.

Today our attention span is next to nil, it comes from watching to much television. You really want to leave people wanting more. You want the quick fun get in and get out type of speech. So when you plan your speech don t go for a big 10- minute lecture or anything. You should realistically keep it well under 5 minutes. You will most likely be surprised how long this really is.

If that sounds like too little stand in front of the mirror and talk to yourself for 5 minutes. Unless of course you really love yourself then 5 minutes might not feel like long enough but trust me for the rest of us that was enough. No Advice. So go short and leave them wanting more. That s right don t give any old wedding advice. However, no one is really listening and who are you to give wedding advice anyway? People often try to give some worth while nugget of wisdom that will carry the newly wed couple through the difficult years.

Leave that to the professionals like a counselor or a priest. Introduce Yourself. The young couple at this point is so in love and at the height of the marriage they will not even want to listen to any advice about the bad times. One thing that many people forget to do is introduce themselves. However, it is likely that many of the attendees will not know who you are. They are nervous and set on getting the whole speech done with and just jump right in to the speech.

So start by introducing yourself. The best wedding speeches are usually formed around memories. Memories. At weddings most of the guests are feeling nostalgic and therefore love to hear those special memories about the newly wed couple. Then throwing in some memory about when or how the couple met or how the first time you met the couple you knew they were right for each other. If you can think of any funny occasions or events this can often bring a much- needed laugh and instantly win over the guests. By following the advice above and giving a speech that is from the heart you are sure to give a memorable speech.

The more relaxed you look the better your speech will be perceived. Make sure you annunciate clearly and speak slowly so that everyone can hear you and just be yourself. You can be a nervous wreck inside as long as you appear calm and collected.


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